Bishop Mande Muyombo Guy is the Bishop of the North Katanga Tanganyika-Tanzania Epsicopal Area of the United Methodist Church. In that role, he oversees the largest episcopal area in the United Methodist Church, including three Annual Conferences with a total of over one million members. Muyombo is also the youngest bishop in the Congo Central Conference.
Priorities for Bishop Mande are: to increase the wellbeing of pastors, continue the churches evangelism efforts and upgrade the health infrastructure in his episcopal area.
His interests are, to engage mining companies in the Democratic Republic of Congo on their Corporate Social Responsibility.
Bishop Mande holds a Metallurgical Civil Engineering Degree from the University of Lubumbashi, DRCongo(1998), a Bachelor of Divinity from Africa University (20060, a Masters, in Peace and Governance from the Institute of Peace, Leadership and Governance from Africa University(2008), a Master of Art in Theological Studies from Saint Paul School of the Theology in Kansas City, Missouri and Doctorate in Children and Poverty in Globalised Economy –USA(2015).
Between 2008 and 2010 Bishop Mande researched extensively on the role of the church in electoral processes respectively in Zimbabwe and Drcongo.
The first AU graduate to be chair of board of directors at AU. Bishop Mande is married to Blandine Mujinga Kafula and together they have three girls and one boy who are Christiana Mande, Christelle Mande, Lisa Mande and Luke Mande.