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Making Disciples for Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the world by
Building Sustainable communities for Jesus Christ through compassionate leadership.

Maternal care imporoves at church hospitals in Congo

by Betty Kazadi | February 21, 2020
Rehabilitated hospital, health clinic in North Katanga Conference receive ultrasound machines, incubators, new beds and wheelchairs

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Church honors early Congolese evangelist

Church honors early Congolese evangelist

During the 30th session of the Tanganyika Annual Conference in Kabalo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, laity and clergy from 13 districts celebrated Kaluwashi’s life and mission work. Wearing T-shirts with Kaluwashi’s picture, conference members named a newly built church in his honor.

2023 North Katanga Annual Conference

Representing 24 districts of the North Katanga Annual Conference, 950 delegates attended the 53rd session in Kabondo Dianda, Congo. Meeting July 2-6 in Nyembo Umpungu District, participants evaluated the conference’s mission and ministry.